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License Track: By My Side Stinger

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Credits Required: 14


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How much will this track cost?

We operate a credit system. The selection you have made requires 14 credits.

Buying Credits for this download

Buy the 14 credits you need or top-up with credit packs.

  • Buying 14 individual credits for this download will cost: £17.50 + VAT in the UK/EU
  • When buying credit packs it can cost as little as: *£10.50 +VAT in the UK/EU. 

* Discounts increase the more credits you purchase. Credits never expire!

Buy Download Credits Here

Licenses & Uses Explained

We have a variety of license types for a variety of uses. Below is an overview of what each license type covers, what is allowed and what is not allowed. Click on the links for full details.

Standard Licenses A to E

Film & Video - Online

You can use our music and sound effects in your online video by purchasing our standard license.

This includes use on:

Please see full details for Film & Video - Online

Film & Video - Physical Distribution

You can use our music and sound effects in your video or film and make up to 5,000 units on our Standard License A.

This includes:

  • DVD / CD ROM
  • BluRay
  • Pen Drive

Make and distribute or sell up to 5,000 physical copies. If you plan to make more than 5,000 units use Standard Licenses B to E. If you are not sure, get the standard license and contact us later when / if you need to upgrade.

Please see full details about Film & Video - Physical Distribution

Apps / Games / Software

You can use our music and sound effects in your apps, games or software by purchasing our standard license.

Our standard license covers:

  • Free to use apps, games or software downloads
  • Up to 5,000 sold units of paid for apps, games or software (or B to E for more than 5,000 units)

Full details about using our music in apps, games and software

Audio Only Products

Our music and sound effects can be included in your audio only projects and productions. The standard license includes use in:

Other Business Uses:

Broadcast Licenses

Our Broadcast A license includes TV or Radio broadcast (excludes advertising).

It can be used in:

  • Station Idents / Radio Imaging
  • Programme content / Documentaries

See Advertising Licenses A to H for advertising options for regional, national or worldwide broadcast.

Full details about broadcast use and cue sheets

Mass Exposure License

If our music is going to be used in a way that means it will be synonymous with a brand or a film theme tune we reserve the right to charge a higher license fee.

Household Brands

If your campaign is a household brand with massive exposure please get in touch for a quote.

See full information here

Major Film Release

If your film has a large budget or is a major cinematic release we reserve the right to charge a higher license fee.

If your film is low budget or a student film please see our standard license options.

Please feel free to get in touch for these licenses or for any questions you have.

Advertising Licenses A to H

Advertising A: Regional / National TV & Radio

These license options include the same uses covered in Standard License A but extend its usage to include advertising on a TV and Radio campaign regionally and nationally.

Full details about TV/radio broadcast and cue sheets

Advertising B: Worldwide TV & Radio

These license options include the same uses covered in Standard License A but extend its usage to include advertising on a TV and Radio campaign worldwide.

Full details about TV/radio broadcast and cue sheets

Advertising C: Online Ad Delivery

This license option includes the same uses covered in Standard License A but extends its usage to include use in an online advert.

We define an online advert as an audio or video promotion created specifically as an advert to be placed in advertising networks.

This is where your advert plays on or at the beginning (pre-roll) of online content.

See Online Adverts for full details

Advertising D: Regional / National Theater & Cinema

This license option covers usage in theatrical or cinematic productions regionally or nationally. If your project is a very small local/small production our standard license will suffice.

See Theatres and Shows for full details

Advertising E: Worldwide Theater & Cinema

This license option covers usage in theatrical or cinematic productions globally.

See Theatres and Shows for full details

Advertising F: Regional TV / Radio & Online

The same as Advertising A license but also includes license Advertising C: Online Ad Delivery.

Advertising G: Worldwide TV / Radio & Online

The same as Advertising B license but also includes license Advertising C: Online Ad Delivery.

Advertising H: All Media Worldwide

Includes all uses of Advertising Licenses A to H.

General License Terms - Allowances and Restrictions (Overview)


  • Make the music shorter or longer to fit your project.
  • Talk over it and mix it with other music and sound effects.
  • Use our music anywhere in the world.
  • Sing over the music but only as part of an advertisement or corporate promotion.
  • Use in perpetuity (forever).

See full details here


  • You can not sing over the music to make your own song.
  • You can not share or distribute music licensed from us.
  • You can not use our music previews or edited versions of them in your finished project.

See full details here

Disallowed but may be possible with Special Arrangement

  • Covermounts and giveaways
  • Selling the music on its own

If you have a specific requirement, please get in touch with details about your project.

Have any questions?

If you have further questions please see our Royalty Free Music & Sound Effects FAQs. If you have a specific requirement or budget not covered here or in our FAQs, please feel free to get in touch.